Tuesday 5 April 2011

Search Engine Optimization and Alexa Rankings 2

I said this would be a series didn't I? Well here's the second part.

A technique which I've been introduced to is the labelling of your posts in order to make them more relevant to the search engines. The Google system looks at labels and tags first in order to rank the sites, so if your labels are relevant, then you're more likely to be found. For example on this very blog, the labels will be SEO, Alexa Rankings and maybe Google, that's a hell of a label to put on your blog. That means that in theory, people searching for SEO, Alexa Rankings and quite possibly even Google could end up directed to this blog. It doesn't always work that way however. One of the highest search keywords on this blog is 'greek philosophers painting', an obscure term when you consider that this blog has only scant mention of the great Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle. As a side note, this tactic has often been abused, tagging things that aren't in the article is a tactic as black hat as putting in text the same colour as your background. For example if I were to tag one of my law blogs with Justin Bieber, just in the hope that people will be misdirected to my website because of it, this would be wrong. I'm advising you now as your friendly neighbourhood blogger-man NOT to employ such a tactic, it will get you taken off Google's lists, leaving you absolutely nowhere. Without Google you're nothing.

For more on black hat tactics and how to avoid using them, (you could have done it by accident after all), click on the link here.

Until next time. Stay Classy Internet.


  1. Something has gone wrong with the spacing... no idea why and I've tried everything. We'll just have to live with it.

  2. If you get spacing issues check edit the article in HTML. Last time I had issues, I for some reason had some formatting tags between each paragraph that widened the spacing (it happened after I embedded a map). Delete those and it should be back to normal. If that's not what the problem is then, uh, I dunno.
