Wednesday 6 October 2010

Seminar Paper Points

Although in the seminar paper we were discussing certain aspects that we have covered before in lectures, there was a point we discussed which I felt important enough to cover in this blog.

Descartes God Shaped Hole:
Before the seminar paper I had not previously thought much about why Descartes decides suddenly that everything he believes is true because God put it there. I originally believed it was because Descartes had a strong personal faith but through discussion in the seminar I came to rest on another possible conclusion.

Descartes was writing at the same time as Galileo and in fact was a contemporary of the Italian scientist. With this is mind it is possible that the use of God to bridge the gap between his thoughts would have been very useful, having seen Galileo condemned by the church and placed under house arrest for his theory of heliocentrism, (Ironically, Galileo did some great work 'Two New Sciences' whilst there).

It is quite cynical in a way to suggest this but by the principles of Descartes own philosophy, isn't it a least a bit possible that he could have been using God to disguise his true thoughts.

Thanks for reading.

More will be added about the seminar to this post soon.

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts - it is always good to blog yr seminar notes.
