Saturday 26 November 2011

WINOL No. 819411771380228...

It's getting to the stage in the year when WINOL is becoming much more of a drag. We've been working hard on making WINOL the best it can be and now, here we are nearing the Christmas break and knowing that the 3rd years will be done with WINOL soon doesn't make this any easy for them or us. Still, we had a bulletin to do and nothing has stopped us from doing one yet. After directing the week before I took a bit of a backseat for this WINOL, going back to doing strap lines and collecting packages etc.

We had a few really good pieces but we started with an in studio guest (Becky) talking about youth unemployment which was a good story but why didn't we have a package was the question Angus asked. We finally got a court story into the bulletin which was brilliant but what we had wasn't really a story for television, essentially it was the conviction of a paedophile and all we could do was show a picture of him and have Flick doing her piece to camera which was a very difficult thing for her to do. It had to be legally watertight which it was but during the debrief on Monday it emerged that something wasn't quite right. As we did last year, the first years watch WINOL on Thursday or Friday with Brian and during Gareth's link they all looked interested and the tone of the piece was right but Brian said some of the first years sniggered during Flick's piece to camera. I instantly went "They laughed at paedophiles" but Brian went on to say they laughed because the tone was wrong, and it was in a way, perhaps it needed a touch more gravitas but it's a hard skill to learn to do an effective piece to camera on a story like that. Laughing at it just seems wrong, even though the tone was slightly off.

I think generally we've been getting better week after week. I'm really pleased to have worked on a programme like WINOL. You really do feel part of a team and hopefully that will help when it comes to our November 30th production, a whole day almost of broadcasting. I'm sure everything we've done this year will stand us in good stead when it comes down to it.

I honestly don't have anything more to say on this week. We had some other comments about a possible Section 8 issue but it was never going to be a problem.

Until Next Time. Stay Classy Internet.

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